Thursday, July 3, 2008


I'm kind of devoid of things to post right now.  It seems my mind has been wiped of anything creative to say the past couple days, so I will just post random thoughts that will hopefully be entertaining.

-  The career services lady (Laverta, for those of you who know her) is hosting a 4th of July Ice Cream Social in the law school in about 10 minutes.  She has her whole waiting area decorated (balloons, wall decorations, tablecloths, themed utensils, etc...) and has been playing patriotic marches all day.  She's so cute.

- I love Bowl Appetite Three Cheese Rotini.

- I made it to DogDays at 6 a.m. on Tuesday. The friend I promised to go with didn't show up. boo.  Now it's Thursday, and although the exercise itself wasn't too killer at the time, my hammies are still sore.

- I saw my new house on Tuesday.  I'm a little nervous about moving, but i think it's gonna be great.

- Ice Cream is also delicious.

- I have been able to get my contacts in to my eyes on the first try for the past 4 days I've worn them. Yippie!!

Okay, my random thoughts are now also exhausted.