Saturday, November 17, 2007

Being a little bit impulsive

So, I've taken an unintended break from studying the past couple days (okay, really just a day and a half) to do some London-y things. The first of which was last night..I met up with Andrew for a drink at a fun little pub, and then went over to a party on a London rooftop. One of the guys in my program (Conor) has a friend that is works over here from the states (Ryan). We've met Ryan on several occasions, and last night he invited us all over to his sweet flat to enjoy the London skyline. It was loads of fun; Ryan's brother was visiting, so we got to meet him and some of his friends. There also a few Brits there, so it was fun to interact with them. The other people at the party provided a nice break; I love all the people in my program, but we've been with them, and basically solely them for the past 4 months. It was nice to shake things up a bit with a few new personalities. Despite the bus ride home with some creepy guys trying to take pictures of Val and I, it was a good evening.

This morning Val and I went a took a tour of one of the 7 great cemeteries around London. It may sound morbid, but this was actually really cool. The cemetery from the 1830s, and was everything I think an old cemetery would be. It had huge, elaborate headstones, with engravings dedicated to the people who had passed. The trees and ivy swept in and out of every crevice, the the changing fall leaves provided some beautiful background scenery. Today is also pretty dreary-- no sun and a little bit drizzly-- so all in all it made for a perfect visit. I know some of you probably think I'm a bit crazy, but honestly, it was really cool.

I don't know whats' on the agenda for tonight, so the only other thing I have to report is that Thanksgiving plans have changed substantially. Althouhgh my classes are only pass/fail, (meaning any grade I receive doesn't factor into my GPA) I'm pretty sure that the grades themselves still show up as "A", "B" or (hopefully not) "C". That being said, I have a lot to do and a lot to start understanding before finals come in two weeks. So instead of traveling to Prague, Vienna, and Salzburg, I'm staying here, and I'm happy with that. Not only do I have a lot to do, I'm pretty tired, so not traveling is okay. This also means that I'll get to (hopefully) watch the KU/Mizzou game in some fashion or another. And the thing that makes it 100% okay is that my all time favorite musician -- Jamie Cullum--is playing in London on Friday night. I've been trying to see him all semester, and now because plans changed, I'm able to. I cannot contain my excitement!!!!!! So, Thanksgiving will be quiet, and probably a little bit lonely, but that's okay. :)

On a sad, but happy note, I fly home 3 weeks from today. Holy cow has this gone fast.