Last weekend when we were at the LaBarge Cup, Pete and I were in a battle to the death against the reigning Cup champs. It was the third of three games...we were up 11-7. We could see our competitors tiring. If we just pushed it a little harder, we would win the match and move on to the finals.
Then it happened: our competitors hit the birdie cross court to a position that neither of us could easily reach. But in a moment of complete blindness to all subsequent consequences, I dove to get the birdie, landing on my stomach. The birdie went over! YESSSSS!
But then YESSSSS turned into OOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHH MMMMYYYYYYY. When I got up and began to prepare myself for the next serve, I noticed my leg throbbing. I looked down to see a large bumps on my leg. And when I say large bumps, I mean it looked like i just had a golf ball implanted in my shin. I could taste victory and wanted to continue playing, but Pete talked some sense into me and said I should probably sit out for a while.
Four days later, this is what my leg looks like. My shin is still sensitive to the touch, and it often hurts just to walk. But, I'm recovering, and will soon be back to normal. And I certainly have one good story to tell!
As for the tournament, Pete played the last couple of points with a substitute partner. The injury break broke the momentum, and they were unable to pull out a victory. But, just like these NFL superstars say, the sun will come out tomorrow, and next year, we will return to capture the LaBarge Cup!
UPDATE: As of Monday, September 21, the bruise still remains, although it is slightly smaller in size. Sheesh! This road to recovery was a little longer than expected!