Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Day Two Hundred and Fifty-Eight: The Royalty of the Cooking World

Remember how I told you yesterday that, if you were lucky, you'd get the back story related to the teacup Pete gave me for my birthday? Well, today is your lucky day!

A week or two after Pete and I got engaged, my mom and I went to a bridal fair in Overland Park. After you go to one of those things, you get loads of phone calls for things and services that the vendor tries to convince you that you and your future spouse need to ensure marital bliss. I received one such call about a month ago from a woman who said that Pete and I had WON a free vacation! The voice on the other end promised me that if my fiance and I attended a presentation at the Holiday Inn that night, we would receive a free three-day vacation and a deluxe Ginsu knife. Pete and I were well aware of two things: 1) the presenter would try and get us to buy something, and 2) this would be hokey...much like a real life infomercial. But, after being assured by the voice that the presentation would only last about 45 minutes, we decided to give it a shot.

Keep in mind, at this point, we didn't even really know what they were going to try to get us to buy.

We were greeted by our enthusiastic host, Cory. Cory introduced us to the world of Royal Prestige cookware. He told us how his pots and pans will make our lives better, how the dishes won't break even if you throw them across the room, and how an investment with them today will ultimately end up saving us lots and LOTS of money. Cory also reassured us that, at the end of the presentation, he would present us with our vacations and Ginsu knives.

Two hours later, we were still listening to Cory ramble on about Royal Prestige (although we did try some pretty tasty chicken...). Finally, the end came. We moseyed our way up to Cory's table to break the news to him that we would not, in fact, be purchasing any Royal Prestige cookware this evening...and ask for our free gifts at the same time. (After all, we did everything they told us we had to do to receive the free gifts...). It was at that point in time that Cory informed us that we would have to submit a sheet of paper in order to get our voucher. Additionally, he had not brought enough knifes and would have to send one to us...which is ironic, given there were only three couples at the presentation.

With the hokey-ness factor of the presentation at an all time high, Pete didn't believe we'd actually ever see these so called "free gifts"; I was also skeptical but had slight smidgen of faith in the Cory-man. So, we gave it a shot and submitted the sheet of paper and inserted Royal Prestige jokes into our conversation whenever possible. Much to our surprise, about a week later, the voucher for our free* vacation arrived! But, two weeks go by...no knife. Three weeks...no knife.

But today...it happened. The knife arrived in the mail. For a minute, I thought the world was going to end. But life continues and we are now the owners of a fine Ginsu knife.

Bringing it all together...you might have guessed...the teacup and saucer are Royal Prestige products.

* Be sure to read the fine print. The voucher is only redeemable certain days of the week.