This is a reminder that tonight, from 5- 8 p.m. is the VIRTUAL happy hour! No need to go anywhere but spend a few minutes on your computer to make a small donation (or e-mail me a pledge!) My goal is to raise $365 for St.. Jude in this three hour period! Every small donation helps. Just visit my St. Jude Marathon Fundraising page click the "donate now link" and that's all you've got to do!
Remember, I'm still offering a professional quality print of any of my photography work for anyone who makes a donation of $25 or more!
I appreciate your thoughts and prayers. As of this morning, I've logged over 200 miles in training! I'm well on my way to reaching my distance goal...please help me reach my monetary goal! Thanks for spending a night in to help find a cure for childhood cancer!
* Many marathon fundraising programs ask their participants to raise significantly larger sums of money. In return, they cover some of their travel costs. St. Jude only asks for $1000, but does not cover any travel costs. As a result, $1000 of my $1500 goal will go directly to St. Jude. The other $500 will go to those travel costs. Any money raised over $500 will again go to St. Jude. If you are able to make your donation directly to me, this will aid in that particular part of the plan!