Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Sound of Music Pictures and Videos

I took some (probably illegal) pictures while I was in the Sound of Music Sing-a-Long on Friday. The pictures have been added to the "Popping in and Out of Chalk Drawings" Album. Links to the videos are below:

Sing along Video 1- We were told to make goat and sheep noises to make the 4 minutes of Alpine Scenery go faster. It was hilarious.

Sing along Video 2- It was a sing a long...so everyone sang along. Literally. I was pretty impressed at how well most everyone stayed on beat even though we couldn't hear the music because we were all singing so loudly. Go ahead...say it...I'm a nerd. :) (NOTE: I can't get the second one to upload. I'll try it again later, and then update the link if I'm successful.)