Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Sometimes the couch is just so nice

Don't have a whole lot to say: Saturday night's birthday party was fun. We ate Mexican food (yummy) and my cake turned out pretty good. Some people went out, but I wasn't feeling good, so I stayed in and "watched" the KU game on ESPN. ROCK CHALK! Sunday morning I definitely wasn't feeling good, so I pretty much stayed on the couch the whole day. I tried to get some school work done, but when it took me 20 minutes to read a paragraph and didn't understand what it said, I gave up and gave in to bad British TV.

As a result of Sunday, yesterday was a catch up day. Fortunately I was able to do so because I woke up feeling a ton better. I have a final paper coming due fairly soon, and since my next couple weekends are going to be busy, I needed to get started on that. This week is also going to be busy, so I needed to also get a bunch of my homework done so I can have fun with Rhonda when she comes. I also got to go running, and got the finishing touches for my Halloween costume. All in all, a productive, but relatively quiet Monday. Today will likely be the same because the next 5 will not. :)

And oh, in case you're wondering, Britain DOES have the an equivalent to daylight savings time. I don't quite remember what it is called, but we "fell back" last weekend. That means, for this weak, I'm only 5 hours ahead of you (central standard time). Crazy!