Friday, October 12, 2007

I'll give you Picadilly and Oxford Street for your Trafalgar and Leicester, plus unlimited amnesty.

Last night we played British Monopoly. It's basically the exact same as American Monopoly, but the names of the streets are changed to big streets around London, and you technically pay in pounds rather than dollars (there is no adjustment for the relative strength of weakness of the dollar to the pound at any point, just in case you were wondering.) Those of you who know me well know that board and card games are right up there next to food, water, shelter, and running for things I need to maintain sanity, so playing was very much "needed."

BUT, I've never played with a bunch of lawyers before. We threw elements of contract, business associations, and other various legal elements into buying and trading properties. We granted each other asylum on monopoly colors, and combined places to build houses and ultimately ended up splitting the profits. At least one person had amnesty on each monopoly and for a while, the money basically traveled from one person to the next in a cyclical fashion. We did ultimately end up having a winner (or someone we thought would win) simply b/c she either owned or had amnesty on over half the board. I love board games. :)

Fall break...a week long fall break....starts in about 1 1/2 hours. That means I'm off to meet up with my friends Rhonda, Jenna, and Kristen (all individually). Rhonda is going to meet me at the Nantes airport and we are going straight to Paris. We'll be there until Sunday when I'm going to go back to the town where she is at (Angers) and stay with her and her host family for 3 nights (for free...rock on.) Her host family is also going to make me a traditional French dinner on Monday night. I'm really excited. On Tuesday we're going to take a day trip to some other little town around Angers. I fly back to London on Wednesday, but I'm going to spend most of the day in Nantes and hang out w/ Jenna. I get back to London on Wednesday night and am then going to see Kristen (who was in London a couple of weeks ago) in Leicester for the weekend after that (Oct 19-21). It's going to be a busy couple of weeks, but it will be fun. That being said, don't expect frequent updates over the next week or so, but I'll try my best.