Well, this is it. Three-hundred and sixty five days and hundreds of pictures later, we are at the end of our journey. Pete and I have learned so much about photography and photo editing in this past year, and have unlocked a passion for photography that we didn't quite know was in there.
That is why our passion is turning into a business: Belltower Photo. While we won't have pictures to post every day, we will treat you every now and again to pictures and stories from our collective perspective. And if you're looking for someone to take a picture of you, your family, your dog, your favorite item, or your special event...maybe you'll think of us!
Thank you for a great year. There is no way I could have stuck to this resolution without knowing you all are out there reading. I hope your 2010 is even better than your 2009, and that the good Lord pours out abundant blessings upon you and your family.