Last weekend, Pete and I were humbled by a shower my parent's friends threw for us in my hometown. Part of the evening was playing "The Newlywed game". Pete and I, my parents, and another couple (sitting in for Pete's parents who were unable to attend) were each asked questions about our significant others. They ranged from "who is the problem solver in the relationship" (each couple got this wrong because every person said themselves...an interesting sociological statement, if you ask me), to "what is their favorite way to consume chocolate" (Pete and I got this right...he prefers hot chocolate.)
How does this relate to the picture above, you ask? Well, in preparation for the game, Pete and I asked each other lots of little questions to make sure we were well prepared. Things like "Where would you most like to go on vacation?" (Pete: the mountains; me: someplace where I can do NOTHING...most likely the beach), to "What is your most embarrassing moment?" (Do you really think I'm going to reveal that here? Keep dreaming...) The answer to the question "what is your favorite beverage" was easy for the both of us; Pete likes coke with grenadine. I like what you see above...a latte. Something about the espresso flavored frothiness makes me giddy every time I get to have one. There are many days when I must exhibit physical restraint in keeping my car from turning into the nearest Starbucks. But each time I get to have one...boy, oh boy. MMMMMM. :) This particular latte is again from my favorite shop: the Sconelady's at 15th and Kasold.
In the end, Pete and I SCHOOLED the other two couples who have a combined marriage length of more than 50 years. They were supposed to impute their wisdom on us. Maybe us youngin's have a few things to teach them as well. :)