It was during my semester in London that I was introduced to the wonderful company "Lush". They are a "handmade soap and natural cosmetics company" and ever since I first found their "ultra bland", I have ceased washing my face with anything else.
Lush, however, is just proliferating the United States and has yet to have a Starbucks-like presence on every street corner in America. While you can order their products online, I am cheap and like to avoid shipping; thus, when we're at the Mall of America, I make sure to stop by a Lush store and stock up.
With the Christmas giving season looming, Lush is giving incentives for people to buy more, and along with my bi-annual Lush purchase, I received a gift: this pink star soap in the "snow fairy" (bubble gum + cotton candy). It has since been gracing my bathroom, getting my hands squeaky clean, and making me oh so yummy.
While Pete may roll his eyes every time I mention going to Lush (which really isn't that often), I love it....and you should, too.
P.S. Care to take a venture at how many hits I get for people looking for not so high class things with a title like this?