Saturday, October 31, 2009

Day Three-Hundred and Four: A walk in the park

Pete and I got our engagement pictures taken this morning; we had a lot of fun with Neal and Eric from Lemonlime photography...the duo that will also photograph our wedding. After our two hour photo shoot, Pete and I made our way downtown for some grub and a stop at Union Station. Before, knowing we would need our own photos for the day, and being in the picture taking mood, we decided to make a quick pit stop at this park along the Missouri River. Above you will notice my attempt to be as artistic with people, dogs, and shadows as Neal and Eric, and that I need some more practice shooting people.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Day Two Hundred and Three: Not all fun and games

Farley has free reign over most objects in the size and nature of the duck currently sitting on his forehead. This duck, however, has sentimental value and is not to be used as Farley's chew toy. Instead, Pete and I chose to taunt him with it: first making him balance it on his cranium, and then preventing him from playing with it. We know it's not very nice, but we gave him a legitimate doggie treat instead...and it certainly is a cute picture. Thanks, Farley, for putting up with us! :)

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Day Three-Hundred and Two: Swirly, anyone?

Tonight as I arrived home, a spot of white caught my eye as I was pulling into the parking lot. This lonely toilet, once used, abused, and now kicked to the curb, was waiting to be picked up and taken to it's new home: the landfill.

So, I decided to give it one last bit of glory and use it as my photo of the day. Here's to you, o porcelain pedestal. I hope you enjoyed the ride.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Day Three-Hundred and One: Flash!

I know this is the second day in a row I've used Lucy as my photo-of-the-day.

And I know there isn't anything particularly artistic about this photo.

But, I'm using this photo to show off our newest piece of photo equipment: the Canon 580 EX Flash.

Pete and I invested in these flashes for Erica and Justin's upcoming engagement pictures and wedding. We don't really know how to use them just yet other than turning the switch to "on" and pressing the button as normal, but when we do, all I have to say is watch out!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Day Three-Hundred: Leapin' Lizzards!!

One of my favorite things about Lucy (which can admittedly be annoying every now and again) is her ability to jump. Whenever she gets excited...or after she "relieves" herself...she starts to jump. And when I mean jump, I mean airbud dunking over everyone high jump. I've learned how to calm her down pretty quickly after she does that, but I usually don't want makes me very happy. This seems to be consistent with mots people Lucy meets; she puts a smile even on strangers' faces.

She may be a peeing on the carpet machine at times, but when she starts to leap like this, I can't help but love her even more.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Day Two Hundred and Ninety-Nine: Recession

Hmm....there is no better way to describe the sorry state of the airline industry today than this lonely check-in station at the Baltimore Airport. Yeesh.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Day Two Hundred and Ninety-Eight: 26.2

Today, I became a marathon runner. I finished in 4 hours and 14 minutes. It wasn't my ideal time, but I still beat Oprah. And afterward, we gave thanks to God from whom all good things come. Thank you, Lord, for giving me this opportunity, the determination to accomplish this feat, and the amazing support I had along the way.

Check out Pete's blog for pictures of the day itself! (I was too busy running to take any!)

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Day Two Hundred and Ninety-Seven: Our Nation's Capitol

This is Pete's FIRST trip to DC, so in between trying to rest up and get everyone ready for the marathon, we're doing some sightseeing! The New England fall provided a glorious background for the nation's monuments.

And, of course, as a photographer, we're always looking for fun pictures. Here is a row of pillars just outside the capitol.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Day Two Hundred and Ninety-Six: Choo choo! We're here!

Welcome to DC! Pete and I here for the marathon and I just can't WAIT to run. I'm feeling good. Tomorrow, we'll pick up my race packet and t-shirt, along with some other St. Jude goodies. Hopefully we'll get to see Rhonda some more and meet up with Devin. But for now, it's some sightseeing...Union Station it is!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Day Two Hundred and Ninety-Five: Pulling some strings

Remember my ode to the ceiling fan? Well, it came through again for me today. :)

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Day Two Hundred and Ninety-Four: Hot plastic

It's time for another guessing game! Can YOU tell what these object are? Clue...look to the title.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Day Two Hundred and Ninety-Three: Hot Pot

One skillet left outside + a bit of rain + a girl looking for a picture = today's photo 'o the day.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Day Two Hundred and Ninety-Two:Side Saddle

Believe it or not, I just had to walk a few steps outside of Pete's house to find this rusty old tractor. Add in some metal stakes with the tops painted and you get this shot here. Enjoy!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Day Two Hundred and Ninety-One: Ahh

I don't really need to any commentary here. I think you know why I took these pictures. Ahh! I love the fall!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Day Two Hundred and Ninety: Thankful

Each morning, I wake up, smell the coffee, eat my Kashi, and am thankful that I am not "Ted N. Buried."

Friday, October 16, 2009

Day Two Hundred and Eighty-Nine: Ode to the ceiling fan in the kitchen

Dear ceiling fan in the kitchen
You do such great things
You circulate air so diligently
and to me, such joy that brings.

Dear ceiling fan in the kitchen
Your presence is always known
From hitting my head on you more than just once
Many a bump on my head have grown.

Dear ceiling fan in the kitchen
how stately and beautiful you are
I love you even though I hit my head
for the bump left no scar.

Dear ceiling fan in the kitchen
thank you for all you do.
Keep smiling brightly for the pictures that we take
And to your beauty, we will ever be true.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Day Two Hundred and Eighty-Eight: Chinese Sunrise

Okay, this isn't really a Chinese sunrise, but it kind of makes me think of that. Can YOU figure out what the mysterious object is? Just so you know, the colors have been enhanced, but not modified; everything is the same tone as the original picture.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Day Two Hundred and Eighty-Seven: The (not-so) Itsy Bitsy Spider

This not so itsy bitsy spider was hanging from Pete's water spout today. Look closely, you can see the web that the rain did not wash out. :)

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Day Two Hundred and Eighty-Six: Jack of All Trades

Just when you think you can't find one more object around your house to take a picture of when the day is waning and almost gone, God steps up to the plate and gives you some inspiration. (Isn't that the way the big guy always seems to work?) Today's picture is of the inside of what is intended to be a CD holder I got from Target a couple of years ago. I, however, used it to hold miscellaneous office supplies on my desk during law school. Since I no longer sit at that desk on a regular basis, I have put these boxes in a place where I don't often explicitly acknowledge their presence. But today, they came through for me and can add the title of "subject of Emily's photo of the day" to it's list of many tasks well done.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Day Two Hundred and Eighty-Five: Legs

Just some wood, some shadows, and little bit of grainy-ness to make this picture, taken today, look like it was taken 100 years ago.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Day Two hundred and Eighty-Four: The Gridiron

Meet Ben. Ben is a defensive back for the ninth-grade Ankeny High School football team. He's rough, tough, and ready to pounce on any opponent who tries to squeak past him. Don't mess with Ben.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Day Two Hundred and Eighty-Three: Annabelle Marie

My best friend from high school, Megan, and her husband, Rocky, were recently blessed with their first child, Bella. Although she was born in April*, I had my first chance to meet Bella just tonight. Apparently I bring out Bella's talkative side, because even at 9 p.m., she talked and talked, and talked and talked like her parents had never seen before! She also took a moment to smile for me and pose for my picture of the day. Thanks, Bella! Your Aunty Em looks forward to watching you grow!!

**Unfortunately, I'm a bad friend and forget the actual day of Bella's birth. I know it's somewhere between April 28 and May 1.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Day Two Hundred and Eighty-Two: XXXXX-XXXX years young

My mom's birthday was actually yesterday, but since Pete and I were going to be home tonight, my dad and brothers waited to celebrate the event while we were there. After enjoying a dinner of Tuna and Noodle Casserole, Pete and Ben graced us with an absolutely wonderful rendition of happy birthday on the guitar. Then, we collectively slaughtered the song when we used our singing voices (okay, I probably had the most to do with that).

But as my mom blew out the few candles on her Costco carrot cake (that she purchased earlier in the week to satisfy a unique craving for the aforementioned cake), I snapped this picture of her celebrating one more beautiful year.

Happy birthday, mom! I love you!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Day Two Hundred and Eighty-One: Swirly Twirly

I really have no idea what to write about this, so please enjoy this picture of my stove burner sans the commentary!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Day Two Hundred and Eighty: By any other name...

My co-worker Danyle received some beautiful and unique flowers from her gentleman suitor. She was kind enough to let me, and now you, enjoy them, too!!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Day Two Hundred and Seventy-Nine: Good day, sunshine!

On a crisp, fall day like today, where it's not too hot and not too cold, where the leaves are changing and the sun is shining, it would be a sin not to capture this feeling.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Day Two Hundred and Seventy-Eight: Rawr!!

Lucy is not a mean dog by any stretch of the imagination. But since we never get to see her pearly whites, sometimes Pete and I like to check them out. Tonight, you get to see them, too! Rawr!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Day Two Hundred and Seventy-Seven: The Winds of ChangeThe

The seasons are changing. It's getting colder. But this time of year, it means some spectacular trees and skies. I think I'm willing to let the mercury dip down into the forties for sights like these. Although you should probably ask me again when the snow is on the ground and I can see my breath at all times of the day.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Day Two Hundred and Seventy-Six: Shanna and Richard

The engagement and wedding bug is spreading like wildfire around my group of friends. Tonight, we celebrate the nuptial mass where Shanna and Richard committed their lives to each other. It was a beautiful ceremony at the cathedral in downtown Kansas City. Thank you, Shanna and Richard, for letting us be a part of your big day!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Day Two Hundred and Seventy-Five: Oops!

The picture I actually took for today somehow got deleted. (Andrea can attest to the fact that I actually took was while we were enjoying a drink at the Bourgeois Pig...) But, to fill the "Day Two Hundred and Seventy-Five" spot, I offer this picture I took at the pumpkin patch just two days ago! Happy October!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Day Two Hundred and Seventy-Four: Saved by the Bell

Since Pete had a lot of work to do tonight to get caught up with school stuff, and the things I wanted to accomplish were mobile, I took my bag-o-tricks and joined Pete in working in his classroom at LHS. I didn't have any high school flash backs; the architecture at my high school was MUCH different, but it was fun to get more acclimated with the place where Pete spends so much time. Here's to lockers slamming, lots of homework, and being Saved by the Bell.