Thursday, May 22, 2008

Bug eyes

I don't really "need" contacts, or glasses for that matter; I have been fortunate enough to have been blessed with very good eyesight up to this point and really only need them for driving distances. But recently, my eyes have been straining when I don't wear my glasses, and subsequently i have become Emily Four-eyes for the past couple months. To remedy that, I went and visited my eye doctor today while I'm at home in Iowa. He prescribed some contacts for me. Good. Great, even. But, the thing about contacts is you have to put them in your eye before you can wear them. This is where my trouble begins. I spent 45 very frustrating minutes being coached on how to use contacts. My 13 year old brother has contacts and has for a while; if he could do it in his awkward pre-pubescent stage, then I could certainly conquer contacts. I became very frustrated after the first 30 minutes or so, but after the lady at the dr's office made a music analogy, I was golden and finally accomplished the task. I was also able to take it out and put it back in on the first try! Yippie! So, no more glasses long term for me. Woot.

P.S. I told this story to my 13 year old brother, the one with the contacts, and he told me that he got his contact in on the first try. Damn him.

Sunday, May 18, 2008


Just call me (Juris) Doctor Emily :)

Saturday, May 17, 2008

I don't wanna grow up

Last night it finally hit me: I am graduating. Of course I've known this day was coming for more than three years, but I didn't quite realize what it would feel like. I'm never going to go to school again, and if I do, it will most likely be under completely different circumstances. I'm never again to have such little responsibility and never again going to be able to qualify for the student discount. ;) For those of you who aren't Jayhawks, there is a tradition here that you shouldn't walk through the campanile until you graduate, and when you do, you walk through it, down the hill into the stadium for the all university ceremony. All of this is optional, but I've chosen to do it. I'm a little bit torn about who to walk down the hill with: my church friends or my law school friends. Last night when I was talking with my church friends about our plans to walk down the hill together, I got this inkling inside me that wanted to walk down with the law school people...a most unexpected feeling. Granted, if I walked down with the law school friends, I'd want to be with the St. Lawrence friends. Either way its a no win situation, and I probably won't decide until the very last minute. But whatever happens, all I know is that last night a group of friends and I sat around a fire pit and just talked for hours. That's how I'm going to remember my last days at perfect.

Last random tidbit: the juris doctor degree is a doctoral degree. That means I wear the robe that has the three velvet stripes on the end and have a massive hood. It's really surreal....and I look pretty darn sharp. ;) I'll post pictures after graduation tomorrow.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Getting my fingers dirty...again

I've decided to start blogging again. I'm sure my comments on here won't be nearly as interesting as any of the stuff I had to say about London, but hopefully they will be at least mildly entertaining and/or thought provoking. Blogger wouldn't let me have a new blog, so while the URL of the blog is new, all my London posts and pictures are available in the archived stuff.

So....I've successfully completed law school. Monday was my last day, and despite a final that tested every bit of knowledge, strength, and study power I had, I survived and think I did well enough to pass/ graduate. Who knew, huh? Hooding/ graduation is this Sunday. The fam is coming down and it should be a good ole' time. I got to thinking last night about graduations in general. Are they really a big deal? I mean, was there ever really any question that I would graduate from high school, or college even? I don't say that to sound pretentious, but I've been blessed with a good, supportive family and an intellect, and not graduating was never really an option. But was it an option for law school, either? Of course, I never had to come to law school, and even though attorneys seem to permeate this world, there are very few (relatively) who have doctorates. But once I started law school, failure/ giving up was never really an option. If it wasn't an option, does that make this an accomplishment? I kind of just see it as another thing that I've done, no different from thousands of others, that is my path in this thing called life.

Tonight is also the last Coyotes for quite a long while. It just won't be the same group. The group has changed a lot over the past three years, but it gets harder for me to enjoy it every time I go. I won't be able to dance a lot tonight because of my silly little stress fracture, but I suppose that's just the way it goes. But, before I go, a nap, preferably in the sun, is in order. :)