Have you ever purchased something that you think is just really cool and would look really neat in your house? Sure, it might take a little bit of decor adjustment, but you really like the item and are willing to put some work into it. But before you know it, life happens, and not only does your house look exactly the same, the object that you love is awkwardly sitting somewhere on a table; it doesn't match anything else in the room, but you love it and you bought it, so you feel like you have to display it somehow, somewhere.
Well, that's the situation with this little guy. It's actually a three piece "dish" thingy set. I got it from Target a couple of years ago and thought it was just wonderful. But about three years and two houses later, it is sitting on my windowsill with the blinds hovering on top of it because I just don't know what else to do with it. I still really like it, but I guess I don't yet have a place of my own (other than my teeny tiny bedroom) where I can transform the piece from an obligatory paperweight to a focal point.
Maybe someday when this little girl grows up and plays "house" for real, she'll be able to use the dish set thingy how it's supposed to be used. Until then, it certainly makes my windowsill look nice.
P.S. When Pete read my entry from yesterday, he said it sounded like something my Dad would write. For the last 15 years or so, my Dad has written a bi-weekly column for the local paper. He takes real-life family situations and turns them into small business "lessons." Although my "insight" yesterday wasn't directly focused on small business, I suppose it could be taken that way. Then again, many of the small business things he pulls out of our daily lives could certainly use broader incorporation back into that daily life. Regardless, if you're interested in reading one of my Dad's articles, they are available here. (The last two are about Pete and I, so you'll find someone familiar right away!) Enjoy!