So, in order to get my dose of vitamin D for the day and stop myself from going insane, I took a walk around the Capitol at lunch and caught these kids playing the game "Red Rover" on the Capitol lawn. You know, the game where you stand in two lines and each line or team takes turn calling someone from the other team over to their side. The person who is called upon must then run as fast as they can at the opposing team, who have linked arms, and try and break that chain. If they do, they go back to their home team and take a player from the calling team with them. If they don't, they stay with the calling team. The first side to get all of the players wins.
This game was never one of my favorites: I'm not strong or fast enough to break through the chains, and let's face it...I'm a worry wart and Red Rover is just too dangerous. But the kids (I guesstimate 4th of 5th graders) certainly seemed to be enjoying themselves, and very in to the game (as you can see above, they are in the process of selecting a person from the other team to run directly at them...). I'm not quite sure who won, but then again, I'm not sure winning is really the point of the game. :)