Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Next Year, Baby....

Okay, so I TOLD you there would be more where that was coming from, and I am (finally) following through with my promise. This is, in large part, because it involves a New Year's resolution where I "share" something with you, my small, but ever loyal blogging audience.  This year for Christmas, I received a camera from by boyfriend, Pete. And not just any camera, a digital SLR camera...something I have been wanting for AGES.  (For those of you who aren't too familiar with cameras, it's a mighty nice camera, and the beginning of a line of professional cameras.  If you want the technical difference between your everyday point and shoot and an SLR camera, click here and here.  Long story short, it get a better picture.)  After talking to Andrea about my awesome gift, she told me about one of her friends who received a camera last year and did something she called "Project365" where she took one picture everyday, posted it, and watched her year evolve. 

This idea intrigues me, and it is now one of my new year's resolutions to participate in my own "Project 365". I intend on coming up with a new name for it just to make it my own, but the concept is the same: EVERY DAY I will take (at least) one photo, and post it both on here, and on a Flickr feed (I have yet to figure out the address to share the feed...if anyone is familiar with Flickr...please help me out! When I get it, I'll post it for certain).  I'll add captions and stories, and potentially post more than one picture everyday on this blog, and post the single best picture on Flickr so as to keep the number of files small...and within my monthly "limit".  There are no parameters on the content of the picture...just something from my life that day.

This has two practical implications for you, my loyal band:
1) I need your help!  I am committed to doing this, but I am also a stereotypical American who sticks to their resolutions for about six weeks and then falls off the deep end. So, if you notice I haven't posted anything by about noon every day, I need you to post and comment and bug and harass me (but only under those circumstances) to make sure I post and remember to take the pictures. 

2) No more personal dirt...through words, anyway. Not that I've been all that great about writing about what's going on the past couple months, but I won't really be writing about my life at all beyond the scope of my pictures. But, I believe that you'll gain a lot more than what you loose.

I don't have any of my 2008 artsty-fartsy pictures, or pictures I've taken with my new camera, available to me at this point and time, so you'll have to do with one of my favorites from London in 2007, and a picture of my brother Ben and I during the annual family Christmas tree hunt.  :)  See you tomorrow!  And Happy New Year!!