Saturday, December 26, 2009

Day Three Hundred and Sixty: Blades of Glory

Next to my engagement ring and my camera, I received the best present EVER for Christmas from Pete: ice skates! (Note: if you happen to be looking for them in Kansas, you're going to have a hard time. It seems most sporting good stores don't care them in that temperate climate. Additionally, if you're looking for women's figure skates in size 11--my shoe size--you're also going to have one heck of a time. But that's neither here nor there.)

We arrived in Minnesota today (just one day past due) and Pete and I were both very anxious to hit the ice. Unfortunately, while we were getting snow in Kansas, Minnesota received rain that melted the top layer of ice on most of the outdoor ponds. (Literally, we sank into the layers of ice below when trying to skate outside.) But, we were determined to skate and ended up finding an open rink in downtown Minneapolis As we arrived, the zamboni was making its way across the ice, and left us with this fun pattern.

We're in Minnesota for another couple of days...I hope I get to pull out those blades of glory at least one more time!

Toooooeeeppick! (Name the move? Anyone? Anyone?)