Thursday, August 28, 2008

Welcoming a new child of God

I'm off to Lincoln, NE for the weekend.  My dear cousin Ali just had a baby (whose name is Josie) 6 weeks ago.  She (Josie) is being baptized this weekend, and since it's the long weekend, I thought I would go and see Ali, meet Josie, and the rest of my family that will be there.  

Since I'm leaving tomorrow right from work, I also apparently "get" to tailgate at a Nebraska game on Saturday. Generally, I don't take sports that seriously, and root for most everyone as long as they aren't playing KU or Iowa.  But there are only TWO teams that I can't stand---Nebraska and Texas.  Thus,  I say "get" to tailgate is a very loose sense.  I've actually tailgated at a NE game before: we all got red t-shirts and put "Iowa' on them, so as to blend in and not get killed by the other NE fans, but show our silent dissent. (I was going to insert a picture of that lovely event, but alas, I cannot find it.  Instead, this is a picture of my cousin Ali and I at our other cousin's wedding.)  Do not worry...I will be staging the same sort of protest again this year...only with a KU NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP T-SHIRT.  (I may take the Orange Bowl T-Shirt along for good measure.. :)).

No bar exam results yet.  Anyone care to place a wager on how many times I will refresh the page tomorrow at work?  I think a 3-digit number would probably be an appropriate guess.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Sleeping on clouds

It's here. It's finally here. My new bed has arrived, and tonight, I get to sleep on my Simmons BeautyRest Pillowtop.  I don't think I've ever been more excited to go to sleep in my whole life. :)  

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Finally catching up

I apologize it has been so long since I've updated. I've heard your pleas, and I've returned.  Life has been good. I started work at really like my job. It's only been 7 days, but I feel like I'm already making a difference.  They have given me a lot of responsibility right off the bat which is both exciting and frightening.  Apparently my boss has been talking me up to the powers that be, so I have a lot of expectations to live up to before I even begin.

I'm mostly settled in my new place.  There is still some work to be done, and I'm still sleeping on an air mattress (new bed comes Tuesday), but some of that won't get done for a while.  Other than that, there really isn't anything too exciting.

School has started at KU and honestly, I thought it would feel more weird than it actually does to be in the working world while everyone else is in school.  I think the lack of weirdness has been aided by being pretty removed from campus: I work in Topuka, live far away from campus, and really just like what I'm doing. My roommate does works for St. Lawrence which does mean I'm somewhat connected to student life, but she's working and not studying, so I don't often think about it.

What has been weird (not yet hard) is the lack of people in Lawrence. By lack of people I don't mean actual people, but people I know and want to hang out with.  (If you're in Lawrence and reading this and want to hang out, let me know.)  I didn't realize how many of my friends aren't here,  am trying to transition to that, and trying to figure out how to make new friends.  I really enjoy my roommate, but don't want to be her Lackey either.  I know it will all work itself out; God continually takes care of me, but it's a little awkward until then.  We've started a Catholic Young Professionals and graduate student group, so hopefully some solid friendships will evolve from that.

I got a new phone: I had to move up in the world to a PDA/ smartphone: the Motorola Q.  Since I'm on Verizon and still have a year in my contract, its not worth getting out of yet to get an iPhone. Plus, I'm currently still on my family's plan and get a pretty cheap rate.  The phone I got is working okay; it's windows based, and while I don't hate windows like many Mac users, its certainly not my favorite. The other feature I'm frustrated with is the calendar.  I can synch my calendar with my work calendar (yippie!), but anything personal I put in there shows up on my work calendar (NOT yippie).  I can make them private so the people I share my calendar with can't see exactly what I'm doing...just that I'm busy on Saturday night...but I still don't know if I' like that.  I'll keep working through it and see what happens.

We still don't have wireless at our house (cable has been turned on, but none of the modems have been hooked up; I'm at a coffee shop updating), so I can't guarantee when I will update next. (Not having internet at home has been the biggest obstacle in updating.) But until then, I hope this will keep you all content. :)

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Just a moment in time

Again, I'm just checking in, as life has been too busy to really sit down and update.  Vacation was awesome. We went to Okoboji, a lake in NW Iowa that my mom has been going to since she was a kid. It was the perfect thing to do after the bar. And the weather was perfect, too. We got back yesterday, but I've been busy running errands and doing random things, such as purchasing my big girl bed (a Queen Pillow Top Beautyrest...MMMMmmmMMMMmmm).  Tomorrow it's back to KS, but for now, I must go to sleep.  I promise to update more , and more frequently, very soon. :)

Monday, August 4, 2008

Checking in

I just wanted to check in with those of you who visit me here! I was in Wichita all weekend for my brother's basketball tournament and to see friends. I watched about 14 7th grade boys games and boy do I have bleacher butt. I also got to see some friends and hang out a lot with my dad and brother. It was great. We made it back to Iowa around midnight last night, and now we're leaving for vacation this morning. I'm not taking my computer, so I won't be updating until Thursday at the earliest. Come back then. :)