Monday, June 30, 2008

A blessing in disguise

This weekend, most of us received our packets telling us that we have officially been approved to take the Kansas Bar Exam on July 29-30.  A bunch of papers came enclosed, and one of them listed all the topics that are going to be tested on the exam.  I put all those papers aside to read the week before the exam, but one of my friends examined the documents a little more closely than I and noticed that two of the topics we all thought were going to be on the exam were not listed.

I e-mailed the attorney admissions people who told me the following:  "Rule 704 states the topics which can be covered, however,  the letter from the Board for the July 2008 examination states the specific topics which will be covered."  Using my analytical reasoning skills that I so keenly developed in law school, I determined that those two subjects that were omitted from the list will NOT be on the exam.

Since I'm the representative for our bar review class, I asked the bar review company to check into this and see what they found.  They received the same answer.  Basically, something happened with the bar examiners that caused them to slip up and not make them available for testing next month.  Now, why they tell us this is beyond me.  Don't get me wrong, I'm more than grateful, but commercial paper has consistently been listed as one of the topics that could potentially be tested, and was not tested for many years, until this past exam.  If I were the bar examiners, I would have just let it go.  But lucky for me and the rest of my classmates, I'm not on the Board, and we know that conflicts and corporations aren't on there.

Don't interpret my joy about this situation to mean that I'm not going to study them; truthfully, I'm nervous that they may somehow appear and then I'll be screwed (especially with conflicts...I never took that course and don't know the first thing about conflicts of laws except that the supremacy clause beats everything else.)  It's a big thing to just throw out two topics, but it will certainly help me focus my studying a little better.

On a completely different note, before my stress fracture, I promised my friend Matt that I would do Dog Days with him the summer.  (For those of you who aren't familiar, Dog Days is a fitness camp--kinda-- run by an ex-marine.  He does it for free to whip Lawrence into shape.)  Well, I'm fully healed and am sticking by my promise: I will attend (and most likely get my butt kicked by) my first Dog Days Session tomorrow 6 a.m.