Saturday, May 17, 2008

I don't wanna grow up

Last night it finally hit me: I am graduating. Of course I've known this day was coming for more than three years, but I didn't quite realize what it would feel like. I'm never going to go to school again, and if I do, it will most likely be under completely different circumstances. I'm never again to have such little responsibility and never again going to be able to qualify for the student discount. ;) For those of you who aren't Jayhawks, there is a tradition here that you shouldn't walk through the campanile until you graduate, and when you do, you walk through it, down the hill into the stadium for the all university ceremony. All of this is optional, but I've chosen to do it. I'm a little bit torn about who to walk down the hill with: my church friends or my law school friends. Last night when I was talking with my church friends about our plans to walk down the hill together, I got this inkling inside me that wanted to walk down with the law school people...a most unexpected feeling. Granted, if I walked down with the law school friends, I'd want to be with the St. Lawrence friends. Either way its a no win situation, and I probably won't decide until the very last minute. But whatever happens, all I know is that last night a group of friends and I sat around a fire pit and just talked for hours. That's how I'm going to remember my last days at perfect.

Last random tidbit: the juris doctor degree is a doctoral degree. That means I wear the robe that has the three velvet stripes on the end and have a massive hood. It's really surreal....and I look pretty darn sharp. ;) I'll post pictures after graduation tomorrow.