Thursday, October 4, 2007

GGRRRRR sports cafe. You are not my friend.

Somehow someone in the Tulsa program got the hook-up with the British Olympic Committee and set up a meeting for people in my program to go and listen to the head legal council of the 2012 Olympics speak. The presentation basically gave us all the background on the different committees/ organizations that are working together to put on the games in London in 2012. This included discussing everything from the Olympians themselves, to copyright infringement/ brand protection, to acquiring the land and getting all the buildings built in time. I know that probably doesn't sound too interesting to all the non-lawyer folk, but for us nerds, it really was. We also got information about how a city puts in a bid to get the Olympics and got to watch a video about the London process. The Olympic spirit is really amazing...I could feel it through all the videos... and I hope that they are able to recreate the spirit from the video when the 2012 actually rolls around. I don't have any pictures b/c 1) there wasn't that much to see (we didn't get to tour anything...just sat and listened to presentations) and 2) we weren't allowed to take pictures of the building where LOCOG is's top secret. SHHHHH.

Tonight, however, was not nearly as fun as the Olympic thing. We FINALLY made it back to the Sports Cafe for wings. But this time, it was awful. No one actually got the flavor of wings they ordered, the service was awful, and the wings were cold. They told people in my group that there were no more bottles of a certain kind of beer to be had anywhere in the building, only to see them bringing more not less than 5 minutes later. The worst part was this: my favorite drink at home is diet coke with a flavor shot of grenadine in it, so I ask for that here. Well, apparently grenadine here is a liquour, and so they not only charged me £1.95 for the coke (keep in mind, that's $4), they charged me for the grenadine as well. And they decided the nice fair price for that shot of what is apparently alcohol (but tasted just like at home) is £3.10. Yes, my one glass of pop cost me $10. I don't think I've been so pissed off...ever. I tried to talk to the manager about it, and well, lets just say I don't have any nice adjectives to describe him. Because of that I had to come home, sit down, and cool off. I'm just now going to bed (12:30 a.m.), when I should have been there an hour ago. GGRRRRR sports cafe. You ar enot my friend.